

Collaborate and streamline your work with WorkApps by smartsheet.

WorkApps overview

Create dynamic applications using WorkApps

Create and edit a WorkApp

Start creating a WorkApp from the builder: select the plus icon from the right navigation bar and then select WorkApps....

Add pages to your WorkApp

Log in to WorkApps. Hover over the WorkApp you want to edit, and select Edit app. On the left toolbar, select Pages and then select + Add Pages....

Add roles to a WorkApp

After you add pages to your WorkApp, create Roles to control which pages different stakeholders can view and edit in you

Share a WorkApp

It's easy to add people to your WorkApp in the builder. Select the Manage sharing icon in the upper-right corner of the WorkAppp builder....

Publish your WorkApp

Once an app is published it's made available automatically on both desktop and on Smartsheet mobile app....

Preview a WorkApp

To preview the app, select Preview at the top of the screen. You can edit the WorkApp to test or change its behavior....

Transfer ownership of a WorkApp

Go to the WorkApps home page ( On the Owned by me tab, open the WorkApp you want to transfer....

Interact with WorkApps from Mobile

You must have a Smartsheet Advance plan or Smartsheet Advanced Work Management to create and edit WorkApps....

Troubleshoot WorkApps

Error message ResolutionImage too largeUpload an image smaller than 30 MBTheme image typeUpload an image that is a PNG, JPG, or GIFService downWorkApp...

WorkApps FAQ

If you can access WorkApps, you can create and edit them....