Applies to

  • Pro
  • Business
  • Enterprise


Who can use this capability

  • Owner
  • Admin

Change column details

Adjusting column attributes for enhanced data management


  • Smartsheet
  • Pro
  • Business
  • Enterprise


  • Owner
  • Admin

Column types help you control what data is allowed in columns—use specific types to ensure more consistent data entry. You can also add a column description to provide more information about your column. Learn more about column types


If you're the sheet Owner or Admin, you can prevent others from adding free text to column cells or form fields.


To change a column type


You can't change the column type of a primary column and project settings columns.


  1. Hover over the column header and select Column Menu the Column Menu icon. Or, double-click the column header. 
  2. Select Edit Column Properties.

Include a column description

Explain important information about a column in a custom tooltip. For example, use a column description to document what type of data you expect the column to contain. The description field holds 250 characters, max. 

  1. Right-click a column header. 
  2. Select Add Column Description.
  3. Type your column description in the form. 
  4. Select OK.  

That's it! Now anyone shared to the sheet can view the column description.

View the column description


You can't view column descriptions in reports and dashboards. Column descriptions appear in sheets, only.


You'll know a column has a description if you see this icon: the information icon. To view the column description:

  • Hover over the information icon. You'll see the tooltip and the column description.
    An image of the tooltip

Edit column description information

  1. Right-click the column header.
  2. Select Edit Column Description.
  3. In the Column Description form, make your desired changes. 
  4. Select OK.
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