Applies to
- Pro
- Business
- Enterprise
Who can use this capability
- Owner
- Admin
Control data entry in a column
Even when a column property is set, you can still type text or a new value into a cell. For example, you have a checkbox column in your sheet. Collaborators can still add free texts in it and overwrite the checkbox. Another example is if you have a list of dropdown values in your dropdown column. Collaborators can still add a different value from the ones listed by typing in free text to the cell.
The only columns you can't overwrite are the following system columns:
- Auto number
- Latest comment
- Created by
- Created date
- Modified by
- Modified date
Restrict column data to specific values
- Right-click the column header.
- Select Edit Column Properties.
- Turn on the Restrict to toggle.
These same restrictions apply to any web forms that are associated with the sheet.
Owners and Admins can bypass data validation. If they attempt to enter a different value from those specified as valid for the column, they receive a warning message.