Applies to

  • Business
  • Enterprise


Who can use this capability

  • System Admin

View login history

Check out the Login History report to see which users in your account have logged in recently.


  • Business
  • Enterprise


  • System Admin

To view login history

  1. Log in to Admin Center.
  2. Select the Menu icon at the top-left corner and go to User Management.
    Brandfolder Image User Management option in Admin Center menu
  3. In User Management, select More Actions > Log in History.

    Brandfolder Image Log in History option in More Actions drop-down

  4. An automated email will be sent to your email address, which will include a downloadable link to an Excel file containing the following:
    • Email
    • Login Date/Time (UTC)
    • Logout Date/Time (UTC)
    • Login Result
    • User Agent
    • Source IP

      Brandfolder Image
      Email confirmation of the Log in history report

The file only shows the last six months of the user's login history. 

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