Applies to


Best practices for browser zoom

You can scale the size of sheets using the zoom feature on your browser. 


  • Smartsheet


A zoom level below 90% is not currently supported in any browser.


If you try to use a zoom level below 90% in Smartsheet, you'll see the warning "Your browser's zoom setting is not fully supported. Please press ... to reset it to 100%."

If you choose to use a zoom level below 90%, you may experience either of the following:

  • Row misalignment
  • Your sheet may appear to scroll down automatically without your interaction

To reset the zoom level, press Ctrl + 0 (Windows) or Command + 0 (on a Mac).

Pressing Ctrl + 0 or Command + 0 will reset the zoom level on the current page but may not change the browser's default zoom setting. Use the browser-specific instructions below to update the setting for all pages you view in the browser.


Browser-specific zoom instructions


  1. Select the ellipses in the upper right corner.
  2. On the row labeled Zoom, use the minus(-) and plus(+) signs to adjust the zoom. 
    This image shows the zoom in and out for chrome.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Click the ellipses in the upper right corner.
  2. On the row labeled Zoom, use the minus(-) and plus(+) signs to adjust the zoom. 
    This image shows the zoom in and out for microsoft edge.


  1. On the menu at the top of the screen, select View.
  2. Select Zoom
  3. Select Zoom In, Zoom Out, or Reset

This image shows the firefox zoom buttons.


  1. On the menu at the top of the screen, select View.
  2. Use the Zoom In  and Zoom Out buttons to adjust the screen.

Safari zoom in and out


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