Applies to

  • Brandfolder


Who can use this capability

Administrators, Designers, and Authors can share their projects.

Share projects and privacy settings in Content Automation

There are different settings for privacy and sharing your projects in Content Automation.


  • Brandfolder


Administrators, Designers, and Authors can share their projects.

Grant project access

There are two ways to grant users and guests access to your project:

  1. Sharing your project with your team.
  2.  Inviting people as External Contributors.

Share your project with your team

To allow a team to view and edit your project's documents:

  1. Open the desired project by selecting the thumbnail from the Projects menu.
  2. Select the Settings tab to open the Project Settings.
  3. Within the Basic Information section, select the Team drop-down menu and select a team you want to share your project with.This image shows a team highlighted so a project can be shared with them.
  4. The team members can now access your project by going to the All Projects tab in the Projects menu. 

Restrict project access

If you would not like users in a team to view or edit your documents, you can set your project as Private. To do this: 

  1. Open the desired project by selecting the thumbnail from the Projects menu
  2. Select the Settings tab to open the Project Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the Permissions section and toggle the Private Project checkbox.This image shows the selection to make a project private.
  4. Once ticked, your project will only be visible to yourself. However, please note account administrators may still have the ability to access private projects to view, edit or approve documents.

Frequently asked questions

Can I invite multiple teams to access a single project?

No, only the one team selected in the project settings will have access to the project.

Can I share my project with a select number of users in my team rather than sharing it with the entire team?

No, unless your project is private, every user within the selected team will have access to your project. Inviting individual users as External Contributors is the only way to add individual users to your project.

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