Applies to
- Brandfolder
Who can use this capability
Owners and Administrators on the organization level can view standardized reports.
Brandfolder Reports are standardized reports that can be delivered to Organization level Admin users with Insights enabled on their account. Reports are provided on the second day of each month and include data from the previous month. They are available at the Organization level of Premium or Enterprise accounts.
Accessing Reports
1. On the Organization level, select the Reports button in the top right-hand corner.
2. You will be redirected to a new page outlining each available report. Select View Reports to see a list of all reports available for download.
3. A new page listing your previous reports and a download button will appear. Selecting the Download button will generate a .csv of the report.
Reports Offered
- User Engagement with Assets: Tracks user engagement with assets, including views, downloads, and shares, which is helpful when auditing and predicting trends.
- This query is similar to the Events Feed for Insights but is only scoped to asset events. It will show every asset event from all resources under an organization, and it will also show the user who made the asset event.
- Columns in the report include: pulls source_type, source_name, source_url, section_name, asset_name, filename(s), email, country, city, created_at, views, downloads, and shares
- Asset Performance by Brandfolder: This allows admins to see top-performing assets and what type of events your users are creating on assets. This report provides a good indication of the health of assets and what assets are active.
- This query will pull every asset within an organization with an event created on it within the period it is pulled. Each asset pulled in the query will show event counts per asset (views downloads, shares, total_events) from all resource levels, including Brandfolder, Collections, and Sharelinks. Finally, the query will show what section the asset lives in and what collections the asset is associated with.
- Columns in the report include Brandfolder_name, asset_name, section_name, collection_name(s), views, downloads, shares, and total_events.
- User Activity by Organization: A report that shows the most and least active users.
- This query will pull every user who has made an asset event on an organization's resources, including Brandfolders, Collections, and Sharelinks. It will pull a row for anonymous users with aggregated asset event totals.
- Columns in the report include email, first_name, last_name, permission_level, views, downloads, shares, and total.
- Brandfolder and Collection Activity: Allows you to see top-performing Brandfolders and Collections based on all asset activity within those resources.
- This query pulls every Brandfolder and Collection inside an Organization and displays how many asset events occurred on each Brandfolder and Collection. Brandfolder rows will have null collection names and only show asset event counts whenever a user has made an event at the Brandfolder level.
- Columns in the report include brandfolder_name, collection_name, views, downloads, shares, and total_events.
- Share Link Activity: You can see your most and least active share links.
- This query pulls every Sharelink where a user made an asset event and displays total asset event counts for each Sharelink. It also pulls the Sharelink URL, what resource the Sharelink was from, and the URL to the resource the Sharelink was made from.
- Columns in this report include Sharelink_name, Sharelink_url, resource_sharelink_made_from_type, resource_sharelink_made_from_name, resource_sharelink_made_from_url, views, downloads, and total.
- User Last Active Date: Shows when a user was last active in your Brandfolder. Can be used to reallocate your organization's seats.
- This query pulls last_active_at timestamps for users and includes their first name, last name, and email. Do note that last active at does not mean last login time. Instead last active at will pull the last time a user made an event on the organization.
- Columns in this report include first_name, last_name, email, and last_active_at.
- Popular Search Terms: This shows what your users search for across your organization.
- This query shows all search terms made on all resource levels of an organization. The number of results counts how many times a search was executed in the application. It does not count how many results populate for that search.
- Columns in this report include Search_term and Search_count.
- Unique Page Views: View unique and non-unique resource page views. This report could be used in tandem with the Total Asset Events per Brandfolder and Collections report to see if users are visiting resources but not making any asset events on those resources, which could indicate confusion about where certain digital assets live.
- CDN Link Activity: Let you view CDN link activity by hits and bandwidth usage.
- This query shows the asset name and attachment name that the CDN link points to and where the CDN link is being used. For each CDN location, this report will show the number of hits and bandwidth that the CDN location is using.
- Columns in this report include: asset_name, attachment_name, cdn_location, cdn_page, cdn_link, number_hits, and bandwidth_gb.