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Calendar App: Interact with a calendar
Navigate, edit tasks, customize views, and work with filters in Calendar App
Use the Calendar App to display your Smartsheet data in customized calendar formats. People with access to the calendar can interact with relevant data without opening the Smartsheet app.
For more information about creating or editing a calendar with Calendar App, see Keep Your Teams Organized with the Smartsheet Calendar App.
Smartsheet Calendar App is a premium add-on and is available for purchase. For more information about how to obtain Smartsheet Premium Apps, please contact Smartsheet Sales.
Before you begin
You can access the Calendar App after someone has shared a view to you or if an administrator has given you access to the application.
Access the Calendar App
You can access the Calendar App from the App Launcher in Smartsheet or by logging in with your Smartsheet credentials. For information about using the App Launcher, see Access premium apps from the Launcher.
Calendar App at a glance
After you sign in to the app with your Smartsheet credentials, you’ll see a list of the calendars you own or are shared with you. In the Calendar App, you’ll see a view of calendar tiles that the calendar owner has customized.
From the Calendar App home page, select the name of the calendar you want to open. You’ll see your Smartsheet data displayed based on how the calendar owner configured the calendar.
Use the arrow buttons in the upper-right corner to move forward or back to different dates. To narrow the list of calendars you see, try searching for a specific calendar name or applying a filter to the list.
View or edit tasks
Select a task tile to view or edit the task details.
If you have Editor or higher permissions to the sheet driving the calendar, you can edit details in the calendar to update the underlying sheet.
Depending on your permissions, in the Details window, you can:
- Edit task details such as the task name, due date, or assigned user.
- Add comments and attachments if a calendar owner has allowed those items in the calendar.
- At the bottom of the details pane, select Open Row.
Calendars customized for you
Each calendar has specific settings, such as the default view (Daily, Weekly, etc.). However, when viewing a calendar, you can adjust how information is displayed to suit your needs.
Adjusting the Displayed Time Frame
Use the time-frame button to display different time periods. You can select from:
- Day
- Week
- Month
- Multi-Month
- Quarterly
- Day-Month
- 454 Calendar (Note that this will only be displayed if a calendar owner has enabled this option)
Use the Today button to return to the current date.
Use filters to refine the calendar
You can use filters to refine how information is displayed in a calendar. For example, you can use filters to display overdue tasks or those tasks assigned to a specific person. Select the Filter icon at the top of the calendar to apply, create, edit, or delete filters in the calendar.
Create a new filter
- Select the Filter icon and select the New Filter button.
- In the Filter form, select the conditions that you want to apply to the data in view and then select Apply to see the filter results.
- (Optional) Name the filter to make it easy for you to tell the filters apart. The filter will be saved as an Unnamed Filter if you do not provide a name.
Navigate, Edit Tasks, Customize Views, and Work with Filters"
If there are existing filters on the calendar, you can also start a new filter by cloning the existing filter. From the Filter menu, hover over the name of the existing filter and select the Clone button.
Edit a filter
After you’ve created a filter, you can always go back and change the criteria later. To edit an existing filter:
- From the Filter menu, hover over the name of the filter and select the Pencil icon.
The form's title will display the filter's name that you’re about to modify. Verify the title to ensure that you’re modifying the correct filter. - In the Filter form, update the conditions as desired and select Apply.
Disable a filter
To show an unfiltered view of your calendar, select Filter Off in the Filter menu.
Delete a filter
To delete a filter (remove it from the calendar and the menu), select the Filter menu, then hover over the name of the filter and select the Delete icon.
For more information on using filters in the Calendar App, see Calendar View Filters: Frequently Asked Questions.
Embed a calendar in a Smartsheet dashboard
To embed a calendar in a Smartsheet dashboard, use a Web Content widget:
- From the calendar in the Calendar App, copy the calendar URL from the browser address bar.
- Switch to the Smartsheet dashboard, and select Edit in the upper-right corner of the dashboard.
- Create a new Web Content widget and paste the calendar URL into the Web Content Widget window, and select Done.
- Select Save in the upper-left corner to save your changes.
For more information, see Use web content widgets.
You can set a filter before copying the calendar URL so that people viewing the dashboard will see the filtered view.
Download or print a calendar
To create a one-time snapshot of your calendar, download it to create an image or printable PDF.
Download a calendar
Select Download to download a PNG image file of the current calendar. By selecting Download, you’ll create an image of exactly what you see in the current view.
Customize and download as PDF
Select Download PDF to customize and print a PDF version of the calendar.
In the Print to PDF window, use any of the following customization options:
- Change orientation, paper size, zoom, tile display, and compress as desired.
- Print with Filters: Select On to print the items as they appear in the current view with filters applied; select Off to print all items.
- Print Template:
- Select Default to create a PDF with the calendar name on top and the legend in the footer.
NOTE: The Month/Week reference is not displayed in the export. - Select Legend on Top to create a PDF with the Month/Week reference and legend on top, with the calendar name in the footer. The legend will only show the first 6 legend items in this template.
- Select Default to create a PDF with the calendar name on top and the legend in the footer.
Once you’ve selected your options, select Download to generate the PDF.