Applies to

  • Business
  • Enterprise


Who can use this capability

  • Owner
  • Admin
  • Editor

Calculate key project metrics with sheet summary formulas


  • Smartsheet
  • Business
  • Enterprise


  • Owner
  • Admin
  • Editor

Automatically calculate budget summaries, aggregate project status and project health, and more by placing formulas in sheet summary fields. 

Create a sheet summary formula

In your sheet summary: Type the equals sign (=) and the desired function in a sheet summary field. (Note that you can’t enter formulas in checkbox fields.)

  • Use the table below for examples on referencing other sheet summary fields in your sheet summary formulas.
  • To see a complete list of functions, see functions.

Sheet summary formula references

Use this table as a guide for referencing other fields as you build sheet summary formulas.

When you referenceUse this syntaxExample formula
Other summary fields (same sheet)[Field name]#=SUM([Budget 2016]#, [Budget 2017]#)
Cells in the sheet[Column name]<row number>=SUM(Expenses1:Expenses3)
Cells from another sheet{cross-sheet reference name}=COUNT({Warehouse B Inventory})


Sheet summary field references ([Field Name]#) for formulas can be used both within Sheet Summary Fields and Sheet Cells. For more information, see Formula basics.


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